Dying NC Man’s Appeal for Medicaid– Miraculously Publicized– Based on Covetousness

WRAL published an advocacy news article within the last couple of days. While the Raleigh Republicans have passed Medicaid reform, it requires passing the state budget. Because passage of the state budget is delayed, it also delays people getting on Medicaid. WRAL found a gentleman who is represented to be […]

Russell Moore’s Dance with MSNBC

Earlier this week, the former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission– Russell Moore– appeared on MSNBC. The interviewers for that network expressed repeated concern over evangelicals’ support of Donald Trump. Remain mindful that the moderators and reporters who work for MSNBC don’t even remotely care […]

N&R Publishes Article That Highlights Opposition to Greensboro Illegal Immigrant Facility

A particular article was published this weekend that highlights opposition to the project. But I seem to recall seeing at least one other from the News and Record previously that did not push in a one-sided fashion the Biden Administration agenda regarding the American Hebrew Academy being converted to temporary […]