Witness: UNC’s Dr. Baric Gave Gain-of-Function Research to China

Dr. Ralph Baric has been an object of celebration here in North Carolina. In fact, Governor Cooper gave him a special award. But Andrew Huff, who was previously with EcoHealth Alliance, reveals Baric gave coronavirus gain-of-function research to the communist Chinese. Steve Bannon says UNC faces enormous legal liabilities over […]

Presidential Takedown, by Dr. Paul Alexander

The full title also includes the explanatory subtitle, “How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH and the WHO Conspired to Overthrow President Trump.” Dr. Alexander’s co-author is Ken Heckenlively– an attorney. Alexander throughout the book discusses openly the actions of some of the more familiar names involved in the pandemic response; […]

Imprimis: Great Articles on Covid-19 Response, Ukraine War

Hillsdale College has a free publication it will mail to anyone who requests it by subscription. It is almost always a reliable source of information. Some readers will be familiar with Imprimis. The publication ran two recent articles that are particularly worthy– one on the economic disaster caused by the […]