For the second time in a period of one week, the state of North Carolina’s medical schools and hospital systems (UNC, Duke, ECU) have attracted negative national attention because of the transgender treatments they are providing to minors. Matt Walsh skillfully points out that their denials are balderdash, malarkey:
Category: Cultural Marxism
North Carolina Disgraced Nationally Over Trans Treatments at Major Medical Centers
Over the past week, we have seen a story circulating that UNC, Duke and ECU are providing transgender treatment for toddlers– aged 2, 3 and 4 years old. Sloan Rachmuth from the Education First Alliance here in North Carolina has appeared this week on Fox News, Real America’s Voice and […]
What is Driving the Civil Service Review Board Bill for Greensboro, Winston-Salem?
There has been some reporting in the local media this week about a bill that was advanced and passed in the NC House of Representatives. It seeks to create Civil Service Review Boards for the cities of Greensboro and Winston-Salem. When a city employee is fired or demoted, he or […]
Love Isn’t Love
Great video that brings clarity to some of the most important issues of our time:
License for Pedophilia Floated Among Global Elites
The condition offered is if the minor is sufficiently mature to consent: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Steve Bannon's WarRoom (@bannonswarroom)
“Medical Schools are the Worst of the Lot”
HT: Fred
What Drives the Transgender Movement?
The woman in this video is not a Christian or a conservative. She is, by her own description, a feminist; and she is also a liberal. However, she has certain insights and detailed knowledge regarding the larger forces that are funding and driving the transgender push, and it is well […]
No Equivocation…
… or “beating around the bush”. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson does it again: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vaughn Felix (@vaughnfelixofficial)
Forcing One’s Preferences on Others
I recently was reminded that the federal government requires that truck drivers and pilots be certified medically to assure they are medically safe to work in their chosen fields. It turns out that the federal government does not want these folks to be certified if they are schizophrenic or if […]
“There’s Too Much Science in the Curriculum”
I viewed a webinar this weekend featuring Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a retired nephrologist who used to be a medical school administrator at the University of Pennsylvania– an Ivy League institution. The webinar was sponsored by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, of which I am a member. Dr. Goldfarb […]