City of Greensboro Takes Another Step Toward Socialism

During recent years, we have seen our esteemed Greensboro City Council adopt various incremental socialist measures. The body is dominated by socialists with virtually no opposition. Triad City Beat reports that the City Council is now pushing to fund a private advocacy group that attempts to shield people from eviction […]

Spreading Greensboro Homicides To the County

The message was beyond parody. Mayor Nancy Vaughan asked during her State of the City address regarding the city’s high homicide rate, “Where is the outrage?”. She asked this after having spent many years undermining the police, playing identity group politics and hamstringing law enforcement. She and her fellow council […]

Guilford County Produces GOP Candidates for Major Offices… and What Happened?

Let’s look at what happened on Tuesday for statewide offices and congressional races that are open seats. We are concentrating on candidates from Guilford County. Mark Robinson wins the gubernatorial nomination. While it is true that many like him and the stances he has taken, he faces a formidable opponent […]

Greensboro Police Chief’s Duty To His Superiors

The Rhino Times reported yesterday about an announcement by Greensboro Police Chief John Thompson. He said the city planned to appeal the judge’s decision to release police body cam video in connection with the violent incident at the city manager’s home. During recent years, the person filling the position of […]

When Will City Employees and Greensboro Citizens Learn The Truth About City Manager Incident?

The disinformation from the city of Greensboro continued when a news release attempted to reassure us about the investigation into the violence at the home of Greensboro’s city manager. They told us that the city manager did not request any deviation from usual procedures. That is little reassurance, however. After […]