Triad City Beat has a story about a young man from Winston-Salem who used to work for the Guilford County Sheriff’s office and who has also been associated with the North Carolina National Guard. This young man, age 34, has had some dalliances with Naziism and the Klan. In addition, […]
Category: Marxism
The Sound of Communism
Interesting video:
Spiritual Warfare in the USA
Satan is working through the democratic socialists and their allies:
UNC’s Response to the Affirmative Action Ruling
It was lightning fast. The Supreme Court had only issued its ruling forbidding affirmative action at UNC Chapel Hill within the last couple of weeks. That school’s leader quickly responded with a plan to provide free tuition and “required fees” for undergraduates with a family income below $80,000 per year. […]
Young People Don’t Know About Socialist Atrocities
HT: Carolina Plott Hound
When “School Choice” is a Mistake
The Republicans in Raleigh are very enthusiastic about advancing legislation that will grant vouchers to parents to pursue education for their children at the school of their choice– including private and Christian schools. That sounds great. However, one must look at the bigger picture: This type of legislation is a […]
The Steps of Marxist Subversion
This gentleman indicates that the steps are demoralization, destabilization, crisis and normalization. We are in the midst of destabilization escalating to crisis. The country has had exceedingly poor leadership from both parties. He correctly points out that civil rights advocates and university professors are some of the biggest culprits:
Allen Mashburn on Medicaid Expansion
HT: Daily Haymaker Rev. Mashburn is an independent Baptist pastor who leads Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove. He is running to be Lt. Governor of the state of North Carolina. He appears in the following video explaining why he opposes Medicaid expansion, which the Republican Party in North Carolina appears […]
Adding to Child Care Subsidies in North Carolina
Back during the late 1980’s and early 1980’s, subsidizing child care was a major issue on the national level. Republicans and conservatives objected. It was considered to be a concession to the premise that the family unit was irreversibly broken. It was also felt to be inappropriate to redistribute taxpayers’ […]
Many Republicans Rejecting Leadership’s Push Toward Medicaid Expansion
The following is from an interesting article published this week discussing the Republicans’ most recent in a long series of betrayals and surrenders. North State Journal: RALEIGH — As the Republican-led Medicaid expansion bill speeds toward passage, many in the GOP remain skeptical of the deal struck by legislative leaders. Around 22 […]