Category: Marxism
Pushing “Social Justice” Isn’t Biblical
“Social Justice” is a term that sounds nice. However, it is routinely used to advocate for socialism– i.e. redistributing resources or advantages in certain directions. Indeed, “social justice” is really a proxy term for socialism. When clergy advocate explicitly for social justice, it is highly misguided because they are effectively […]
Reagan’s Prophetic Voice on Liberalism and Fascism
He saw something that few at that time would have foreseen:
A Primer on Marxism
A medical group of which I am a member, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, recently hosted an online webinar on the subject of Marxism in Medicine. It turned out to be a great primer on the subject of Marxism in general. Attention was called to a document that […]
Exposing Socialists Who Claim to Be Otherwise
In fact, there are socialists on both sides of the aisle. The Democrats tend to be socialist to a greater extent; and are quicker to adopt socialism. But many Republicans don’t hesitate to embrace it once it has been enacted:
Is It This Hopeless?
In this world, perhaps. But not in eternity for those who qualify: Francis Porretto: We must accept…That the Constitution is a dead letter.That the last two elections were fraudulent.That the edifice in Washington is hostile to us.That we cannot trust anyone who holds public office.That “movements,” so called, are mostly […]
Trump: Country Going Communist
He has come out and said what many of us have been thinking: