Summing Up A Candidate in 90 Seconds

A particularly effective ad run against a sitting US Senator from Pennsylvania, contrasting his comments about Kamala Harris with the reality: Republican operative texts me this McCormick ad and says, “What voters down ballot will be seeing in every Senate race from NV to PA until November” — Philip Melanchthon […]

Conflicted Media Says Cooper Great VP Candidate Because of NC’s Hot Economy

The corrupt regional media is extremely enthusiastic about the possibility that Roy Cooper might be Kamala Harris’ running mate. I have seen them adopt a certain interpretation at least two or three times over the last week. They say Cooper is a great potential VP candidate because North Carolina’s economy […]

There Is More To The Trump Assassination Story

George Rasley, Conservative HQ: While the FBI has strangely downplayed the threat from ANTIFA, members of the violent Leftwing organization have made no secret of their connection to the Democratic Party. Indeed, one Kristopher Jacks of Colorado, in a Project Veritas undercover video, revealed that ANTIFA has its own training […]