Davidson School Board Fights To Protect Suspension for Politically Incorrect Speech

We had posted here previously about the Davidson County schools’ suspension of a high school student for using the term “illegal alien”. Their zeal to enforce a questionable speech code is breathtaking. The boy’s family sued to remove the suspension, and the school board is fighting the lawsuit. Once again, […]

The Risks Of Charter Schools and Opportunity Scholarships in North Carolina

I recently had the opportunity to read a book called Education, Christianity and the State. It is a collection of writings and speeches authored one century ago by J. Gresham Machen, a prominent conservative theologian and seminarian. Machen strongly opposed public education, but he also opposed Christian schools receiving governmental […]

Remembering Mo Green: State Superintendent of Education Race

Michelle Morrow– an excellent conservative candidate– is running for state Superintendent of Education against democratic socialist candidate Mo Green. Readers might recall Green used to lead the Guilford County Schools system. WRAL has an interesting article that gives Green the floor regarding safety in schools. While they made it sound […]