Another Southern Seminary Story

This is the institution led by Albert Mohler. HT: Dissenter In this audio, Rosaria Butterfield rebukes Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for approving the dissertation of Nate Collins, who would later found @revoiceorg. In answering the question how Criticial Theory ended up in the church, Butterfield astutuely observes, "Bad ideas… […]

“Behavioral Health” Takes Over Lindley Park Baptist Church

The Triad Business Journal had a story on Friday announcing that the church buildings for Lindley Park Baptist Church had been donated to a non-profit behavioral health services provider. The facilities are prominently located at the intersection of Holden Rd. and Walker Ave. in Greensboro. Lindley Park Baptist Church left […]

SBC Leader Calls for Gun Control; Rick Warren to Call for Woman Pastors at Convention

Within the last several days, there have been a couple of interesting developments in the Southern Baptist Convention. First, recall that Brent Leatherwood is the chairman of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. This is the entity that engages in lobbying and public policy advocacy. Mr. Leatherwood and […]

SBC Leadership/Academics Downplay Dems’ Pro-Abortion Position and Boost Environmentalism

A couple of recent items at Disntr describe stands taken recently by Southern Baptist leaders and/or academics. Tom Ascol took to task both the president of the convention and the leader of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. These men had made it seem that Biden and the socialists are […]