At least, that is what is being alleged: EXCLUSIVE: A GOP Senate Source has leaked the internal whip-count for the Leadership Vote. The final votes will be on a secret ballot Wednesday. Here is where the race stands now… Cornyn (18)Scott (11)Thune (24) Banks – ThuneBarrasso – ThuneBlackburn – […]
Category: Republican Betrayal
Raleigh Republicans Want To Replicate the Anti-Semitism Bill in NC
There has been much consternation over the anti-Semitism bill passed by the US House of Representatives last week. But most are likely unaware that the Raleigh Republicans are planning to pass a similar bill. Their version is shorter but has much the same effect as the bill passed in the […]
GOP Takes A Bold Stand Against Christians On Behalf Of The Party’s Jewish Donors
A fairly remarkable piece of legislation passed the US House this week. It was motivated by the recent attacks against Israel and against Jewish students on American college campuses. The bill directs that the US Department of Education can take into consideration a certain definition of anti-Semitism when evaluating civil […]