Category: Socialists
Greensboro Leaders Force Yet Another Tax/ Fee Increase
Let’s be entirely clear. The city of Greensboro is not cash poor. It has huge amounts of tax and water revenues. But it is never enough. We have seen many fee and tax increases over the years. In any event, the city council voted this week for yet another increase […]
Biden’s Announcement Regarding Mandy Cohen Appointment to Lead CDC
The White House: Dr. Cohen is one of the nation’s top physicians and health leaders with experience leading large and complex organizations, and a proven track-record protecting Americans’ health and safety. As Secretary of North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Cohen developed innovative and nationally recognized programs that […]
Trump Indictment
There are some good things about former President Trump; and there are also some bad things about him. A balanced view is necessary. Reasonable observers must agree, however, that Joe Biden’s indictment of Trump today is a major problem. It is a problem from the standpoint of the very integrity […]
Obama’s Personal History
The below Instagram video is fairly explicit in terms of describing what this guy did with Obama over twenty years ago. I believe his account. Much was hidden about Obama’s background and personal history when he ran for president; and the nation has paid a heavy price since then. However, […]
What Biden (and Obama) Have Been Doing
How Did They Justify Bearing False Witness Against Trump?
Obama, Biden Were Part of Hillary’s Conspiracy to Bear False Witness Against Trump…
… and ultimately get him impeached and removed from office:
NC First “Lady” Doesn’t Like Crime in Her Neighborhood, “Sick of These People”
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s wife is Kristin Cooper. She had famously given protesters the finger several years ago. The Cooper’s apparently maintain a home in Raleigh even though they are entitled to live in the Governor’s mansion. One night recently, a man attempted to kick in the door of […]
RFK Jr. Says the Socialists Became the Party of Big Pharma
He discusses the reasons this happened. But I think a big factor was the Citizens United Supreme Court decision nearly 15 years ago which turned out to be a huge mistake. Here are his comments: