Imagine If White Conservative Churches Had Done This

Note the common talking points. It smacks of political messaging being disseminated widely to black pastors. Note also the absence of the gospel message: SUPERCUT: The week after Biden dropped out of the presidential race, I found over 50 churches hyping Kamala Harris during their worship services, clearly using shared […]

Greensboro’s Socialist Crowd Flexing Their Muscles

A couple of interesting items appeared in the local paper this week regarding some of the numerous prototypical Greensboro socialists that surround us. First, a group of far-left “pastors” convened to express their concerns about Mark Robinson’s statements regarding abortion and homosexuality. The reality that they take positions clearly opposed […]

Jim Jordan’s Committee Investigating NC State Board of Elections

The issue is the partisan Democrats on the State Board of Elections refusing third parties ballot access to help Biden, Stein and the rest of the socialists. WRAL has more to report, as does Carolina Journal. Apparently at least one Democratic-aligned group had been pressuring the Board of Elections to […]