James Upchurch is the county commissioner who switched from democratic socialist to Republican during the relatively recent past. He has now announced his resignation to take a job out-of-state. A Rhino article this week disclosed that Upchurch had received death threats because he changed parties. But wait a minute. I […]
Category: Socialists
They Also Need to Close the Soros Loophole
No donors with foreign or divided loyalties (HT: Fred):
RFK Jr. Finds the System Rigged
Who will they kill first? Trump or RFK Jr.? Either? Both? Neither?
The Tucker Interview Regarding Barack Obama
Last night, Tucker Carlsen posted a video interview with Larry Sinclair– the gentleman who has alleged a brief sexual relationship with Barack Obama over twenty years ago. I am not posting the video here because it is very dark; and because Sinclair– a South Carolina native– has an unrepentant attitude. […]
Pipeline Politics in North Carolina
The MVP-Southgate pipeline would be a major benefit for North Carolina because it would provide a second source of natural gas. It would provide diversification and increase reliability of supply in the event disruptions take place. But two of our socialist elected officials– Governor Roy Cooper and Congresswoman Kathy Manning– […]
Futility Of Arguing With The Left
HT: Fred
Hawaii: Typical Leftist Incompetence
Great interview:
Stick Your Progress…
Attempts to Get Trump A “Constitutional Crisis”
America’s Current Marxist Revolution
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Folks, turn off the sports channel long enough to take a look around you and see what’s going on. America is in the throes of a socialist/Marxist revolution. The “woke,” “green energy” and gun control agendas are an integral part of that revolution. The billionaires underwriting this […]