Southern Baptist Convention Disavows in Court its Own Sexual Abuse Report

Imagine the following: That is a description of the recent history of the Southern Baptist Convention. The details are here. It appears their ill-considered designs are imploding on them. Addendum: A pastor named Mac Brunson has aligned himself with the Conservative Baptist Network. This is a gentleman who has spent […]

Southern Baptist Convention Liquid Assets Drop by 50% in One Year

Below you will find a set of four consecutive Twitter videos at a recent Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee meeting. It was revealed that the Convention blew through $6 million dollars of its liquid assets– or 50% of its total amount– within a period of one year. This was attributed […]

How To Attend the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting to Oppose the Liberal Drift

Readers will recall that the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting will take place in New Orleans on June 13-14. The Conservative Baptist Network once again will be offering a slate of candidates to attempt to oppose and turn around the serious liberal drift within the denomination. In order to support […]