Benedict Accurately Diagnosed West’s Self-Inflicted Maladies

A fascinating article describes Pope Benedict’s critiques of the western world in a 2006 book. Here are some notable excerpts from the article: In (his book), Benedict noted that in contemporary Europe, anyone who dishonoured Judaism or Islam would “pay a fine” — but that “when it comes to Jesus […]

Update on our Christmas Present: “Rolling” Power Outages in NC

A significant development was announced yesterday with regard to the power outages during severe, frigid weather this past weekend. The N.C. Utilities Commission will hold a hearing on Tuesday during which Duke Energy is being asked to answer questions about this situation. An article at discusses this hearing and […]

Be Appropriately Skeptical about the Gospel Coalition

A name like “The Gospel Coalition” ordinarily ought to arouse positive thoughts and feelings. After all, there is nothing wrong with the Gospel. However, this group is quite questionable. The Disntr website has been looking at the organization in a critical manner for some time, with ample justification. An example […]

Greensboro’s “Sheds for the Homeless”

An interesting proposal is being developed by Greensboro’s city government. There is a desire to provide housing for the homeless. The city is accordingly proposing a “Pallet Shelter” project. Approximately thirty of these tiny houses are being planned. They will be located on the ballfield at Pomona Park. There have […]

The Critical Deficit is COURAGE: Even the Book of Revelation Warns About Its Absence

I was watching Eric Metaxas on the Salem News Network a couple of days ago. His guest was Douglas Giles— a fellow who espouses a bold version of Christianity. He loves hunting and demonstrated behind him a stuffed lion that he had shot at a distance of ten yards in […]