The Handling of the Vaccine is Evidence of a Much Deeper, Systemic Problem

Dr. Malhotra went public questioning the vaccine several months ago. It has become somewhat of a crusade for him; and he seems motivated in part by the probability that the vaccine killed his father. What follows is a fairly remarkable talk. I should emphasize that he is not a conservative; […]

Elon Musk’s Unmasking of the Socialists’ Censoring of the Hunter Biden Laptop During 2020 Election Season

Musk is a complex figure. Many of his instincts as revealed by his public comments and his reactions to certain events and statements suggest that he is right-thinking on many matters. He does not appear to be a Christian. He has extensive business interests in China, and is compromised from […]

NC Hospital Systems Fuss Over Territory, Combine into Massive Behemoths

There have been a few interesting stories in the news over the last couple of weeks regarding North Carolina’s esteemed hospital systems: State Treasurer Dale Folwell has done an excellent job exposing how the state’s hospital systems are acting in a self-interested manner and serving citizens poorly. The fact that […]