Tillis Supports Escalation in Ukraine by Providing Armed Drones

The desire is to “turn the tide” against Russia. This call comes on the heels of his once again betraying his GOP base by supporting same-sex marriage even without concomitant religious liberty protections– a move that has attracted the negative attention of the Family Research Council in Washington. Tillis fails […]

What Will Happen in North Carolina Regarding Abortion?

It was recently reported that North Carolina has had a 37% increase in abortions since the decision overturning Roe v. Wade, presumably because women are traveling here to get their abortions. That is, in fact, being encouraged. Our liberal mainline Presbyterian governor, Roy Cooper, is making sure of that. What […]

Just When You Thought Things Were Settling Down: More Covid-related Lunacy

Things really have been getting back to something closer to normal. After all we had endured for nearly three years, we began to experience life in a manner that approximates what our previous existence had been. And yet, the Forces-That-Be have considerable desire to build upon all they perpetrated with […]

The Biblical Case In Favor of Strong Borders and Against Illegal Immigration

The Southern Baptist Convention publishes at least a couple of different Sunday School programs for adults. One of these recently journeyed through the book of Hosea. In my daily readings, I came upon the following verses: Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples;Ephraim is a cake unturned.Aliens have devoured his strength,But […]