Premeditated Attack on Christian School: Didn’t Occur in a Vacuum

We will hopefully learn more precise information about the shooter’s motive. But it seems clear. The tragedy in Nashville was preventable. I attribute what happened in large part to that key swing vote made by Justice Anthony Kennedy, nominated by Ronald Reagan, to enable the Obergefell decision eight years ago. […]

Congresswomen Manning, Adams Defend Transgender Agenda in Schools

A McClatchy article published at makes it clear who is going rogue when GOP legislation attempts to right the ship: (Congresswoman Kathy) Manning told the committee schools have real problems that need to be addressed and would be better served if the committee spent time focusing on those issues. […]

Duke University Joins the Fight Against Parents’ Bill of Rights

It is not uncommon these days for elite universities to jump on the transgender bandwagon. We have seen this at Harvard and Vanderbilt, for instance. We are also seeing this at Duke. Check out this article on the Duke website (HT: DL). Several of the university’s “experts” are actively opposing […]