Eric Metaxas had a recent interview with Bill Donohue from the Catholic League who has long advocated and commented on cultural worldview issues. Donohue is a feisty speaker who has had ample life experience dealing with left wing elites. This is an interesting conversation, so check it out if you […]
Tag: Socialists
Is This The End for Biden?
Yesterday, the dam broke. Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna said during an interview she had learned on Capitol Hill that the socialists are looking to replace Biden on the ticket for November. And Charlie Spiering reported the same thing in a report at the Daily Mail. In fact, the headline states […]
Left Undermines Abstinence-Based Sex Education
The law in the state of North Carolina is that sex education must be abstinence-based. That does not mean the political left and the education establishment will not attempt to do an end run around this requirement. That is precisely what is happening. The State Department of Public Instruction– led […]
Eye-Popping Statistics on Beliefs and Politics
According to the Christian Post: Belief that people making marriage and having children are priorities: Trump supporters 59%, Biden supporters 19% Discomfort with women not taking their husbands’ last names when married: Trump supporters 37%, Biden supporters 13% View the declining birthrate in the US as bad: Trump supporters 47%, […]
“Too Many Opportunities for Mischief”
News and Record Publishes De Facto Josh Stein Press Release
There was an interesting article this morning on the Greensboro News and Record website. It covers a visit by Josh Stein at GTCC. The article is an unequivocal puff piece. It might as well have been written by Stein’s campaign staffers. There is little question who the N&R is supporting […]
GOP/ Trump Forces Getting Overconfident?
All of a sudden, we are hearing a rush of comments from within conservative media suggesting that Trump is going to trounce Biden. I think we need to be careful because overconfidence can lead to complacency. The fact remains, for instance, that the socialists’ “ground game” is far superior to […]
Socialist Manning Pushes For Another Sticky Entitlement
Kathy Manning only has eight months left in Congress. But she is determined to leave her socialist mark. Readers might recall that Congress passed crazy, huge spending bills when Covid hit. One of these bills included subsidies to enable households to pay for internet service. The rationale was that school, […]
“Yes, I Committed Voter Fraud”
The Socialist Conspiracy Against Trump
Evidence of Biden’s crowd conspiring against the former president is rapidly mounting. Bannon says the House should be doing something about it: