Southern Baptist Convention Asks Congress To Grant Amnesty To Illegal Immigrants

Referring to a letter sent to Congress that the Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) co-signed, the Dissenter provides the details: The letter, again, signed by the ERLC and others, endorses of the Dignity Act of 2023 which allows for amnesty. This Act, under the superficially noble guise of helping undocumented […]

Normal Lear and Rob Reiner and Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist Convention

Some of us are old enough to remember when “All in the Family” hit the airwaves. It was uproariously funny, and featured an ongoing contrast between Archie Bunker and his Meathead son-in-law. Normal Lear was the producer and originator of this series; and Rob Reiner played Meathead. This was a […]

Russell Moore’s Dance with MSNBC

Earlier this week, the former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission– Russell Moore– appeared on MSNBC. The interviewers for that network expressed repeated concern over evangelicals’ support of Donald Trump. Remain mindful that the moderators and reporters who work for MSNBC don’t even remotely care […]

SBC Leadership/Academics Downplay Dems’ Pro-Abortion Position and Boost Environmentalism

A couple of recent items at Disntr describe stands taken recently by Southern Baptist leaders and/or academics. Tom Ascol took to task both the president of the convention and the leader of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. These men had made it seem that Biden and the socialists are […]