David Couch received his first rezoning from the socialist-dominated Guilford Board of County Commissioners last night. 83 acres (out of 970) are being rezoned for General Business. The News and Record reports. The rezoning does not include multifamily housing on his land. That might come later– and it appears he […]
Tag: Summerfield
Good-Bye, Summerfield
The Triad Business Journal reports David Couch exulting over his victory after having bought off the North Carolina General Assembly: “For nearly a decade, all I’ve wanted to do is use my private property – in a town that I love and call home – to construct new homes for […]
Summerfield: Here Comes County Water
The Rhino Times reported last week that the county is running water lines to Summerfield— ostensibly for “fire protection”. It will be “easily convertible to a future potable system”, according to town officials quoted in the article. This comes nearly at the same time the town was forced to approve […]
NC Senate Passing Summerfield De-Annexation
The News and Record reports that the NC Senate is in the process of de-annexing David Couch’s property from the town of Summerfield. There is a crossover deadline after which new bills cannot pass the General Assembly. That deadline had long since passed. To avoid the issue of crossover deadlines, […]
Summerfield De-Annexation to Happen?
Phil Berger delivered a clear signal to the Summerfield Town Council that he would seek to advance legislation allowing David Couch to develop his property for multifamily housing. The Rhino Times reported this information earlier today. Berger says this is the best action for the state of North Carolina; but […]
What Will General Assembly Do About Summerfield/ David Couch Matter?
We have posted previously here about the proposal by David Couch to build multifamily housing on his land in Summerfield. This would require zoning changes. He was very aware of the zoning that existed at the time he acquired the land. Since then, I am told, the zoning has been […]
Summerfield Transformation Plan Killed, then Resurrected
We had last written about David Couch’s plan to develop Summerfield with oodles of multifamily housing units when the town zoning board approved his plan. It was subsequently (and mercifully) killed by the Town Council. But the developer is resourceful. He is now trying to get the North Carolina General […]
Summerfield Gets Apartments
With the approval of the Couch proposal for Summerfield Farms, this represents a major change for this area. For the first time, Summerfield will have a development that includes apartments. Summerfield was previously an area to escape Greensboro. Now, it will begin gradually simulating Greensboro. The town of Summerfield has […]