The Greensboro Police Chase

The tragic news in Greensboro ten days ago was that three young teens– age 14, 14 an 15– were killed when their vehicle crashed after being chased by police. Their respective families are understandably dealing with devastating losses emotionally.

Now, however, the family members are hiring lawyers and blaming the police.

Certainly, it can be tempting in the wake of such a profoundly sad incident to say that police chases ought not take place, or that they only take place under very limited circumstances. In fact, a similar case resulting in multiple fatalities led to such discussions within the last 10 years or so here in Greensboro. I remember there were pronouncements that the police would somehow reform the manner in which chases would take place.

I have a problem with that perspective, however. That would wave a white flag of surrender whenever the “bad guys” get away in a vehicle. It puts law enforcement in a stranglehold, and undermines attempts to maintain civic order.

In fact, when such an instance occurs during which kids aged 14 and 15 are speeding around in a vehicle at 2:50 AM, some important questions arise:

  1. What kind of parental supervision was taking place?
  2. Was a biological father present in the home?
  3. Were the kids raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord?
  4. Why were they fleeing police?
  5. Were illegal drugs and/or alcohol somehow involved?

Interestingly, these questions are not addressed in the news articles. But if these family members are given a public spotlight and threatening litigation, perhaps it would add context to learn the answers to these questions.


4 thoughts on “The Greensboro Police Chase

  1. So how is this different than everything else going on? Accountability/ responsibility is nonexistent and everything is someone else’s fault. This is the chief problem in our world today.

    1. Exactly, David. We have seen this many times before. The absence of accountability and responsibility pervades to the point that it has become the “new normal”.

      What struck me about the News and Record’s reporting is that they choose to give no further context, and instead merely amplify the parents’ complaints. This is a deliberate decision, of course.

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